Wrap Splat Hat 2021
Together with Garnier Ambre Solaire – and in association with the British Skin Foundation – we’re teaching children to be sun safe as they explore the great outdoors. This is more important than ever as – despite being a nation of sun-lovers, only 53% of us use suncare frequently when outdoors in the UK.*
Children aged 5-11 will love our Summer Explorers who bring sun safety messages to life in a memorable, meaningful way.
These completely free educational resources include:
- A whole-school assembly, starring Davina McCall and consultant dermatologist Doctor Mary, introducing everyone to the Wrap, Splat, Hat mantra
- Lesson guides and activity sheets full of exciting, engaging tasks which help children develop sensory awareness, self-reflection, communication and writing skills as they explore outdoors
- Fun competitions (with a chance to win great prizes, including a shiny new bike and scooter, binoculars for exploring and outdoor play equipment for your school)
- A family pack filled with brilliant outdoor activity ideas and expert sun safety tips from Doctor Mary so that families can make the most of spending time outside during summer
PLUS: free Garnier Ambre Solaire Kids travel-sized sun cream for early sign-ups to the programme and for early competition entries – register now!**
The competitions and take-home activities will ensure that this programme has a life beyond a lesson by empowering little explorers to look after their own sun safety, and that of their friends and family, all summer long.
Competition for ages 5-7:
Can you design an amazing backpack for the Summer Explorers to take on their outdoor adventures? What will make the backpack special? What colour will it be? Will it have any special features or secret pockets?
Don’t forget to include space for them to pack their Wrap, Splat, Hat items so they can stay sun-safe while they’re exploring outdoors.
Competition for ages 7-11:
Make sure you include this completed sentence starter: This is my favourite place to Wrap, Splat, Hat because…
How to enter:
Email wrapsplathat@nationalschoolspartnership.com with your pupils’ design or photo along with the pupils’ name and age, as well as the name and postcode of your school.
The only suncare brand with research recognised by the British Skin Foundation
*UK online survey of 1,548 women aged 18 – 65, March 2017
**100 x Garnier Ambre Solaire Kids Sensitive Advanced travel-sized sun cream (50ml) available for the first 25 eligible primary schools to sign up and the first 20 eligible primary schools to submit an entry to either the 5-7 or 7-11 years competition
GB residents 18+. Entries open 09:00 (UK time) 19/04/21 until 17:00 (UK time) 18/06/21. To enter: (1) you must be: (a) a teacher or a head teacher of a registered primary school in GB; or (b) a parent/legal guardian of a child at a registered primary school in GB. In both cases, the school must be registered with the National Schools Partnership and must also register with the 2021 Wrap Splat Hat programme on the National Schools Partnership at https://nationalschoolspartnership.com/initiatives/wrap-splat-hat/ before the competition end date; (2) you must submit an email to wrapsplathat@nationalschoolspartnership.com including on behalf of each of the pupils entering: (a) for the KS1 competition: a “Summer Explorers’ Backpack Design” by pupils in KS1 (aged 5-7) at a registered school; (b) for the KS2 competition: a completed sentence starter and a “Wrap, Splat, Hat Backpack Photo” of a backpack in a summer adventure location (including Wrap, Splat, Hat items in or near the backpack) taken by pupils in KS2 (aged 7-11) at a registered school. One entry per pupil. Prizes are:
KS1 Competition: 1 x scooter, worth £100 (for the winning child); 30 x binoculars worth £8.59 each (for the class of the winning child), 1 x £1,000 by cash transfer to buy outdoor equipment (for school of the winning child);
KS2 Competition: 1 x outdoor bike, worth £400 (for the winning child); 30 x binoculars, worth £8.59 each (for the class of the winning child), 1 x £1,000 by cash transfer to buy outdoor equipment (for school of the winning child).
Full T&Cs: https://nationalschoolspartnership.com/initiatives/wrap-splat-hat-tcs
Promoters: Garnier Ambre Solaire, We Are Futures (also known as National Schools Partnership).
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Social Education
Wrap, Splat, Hat Competitions 5-11yrs
The competition is now closed and winners will be announced soon.
Wrap Splat Hat Summer Explorers’ Photo & Design Competitions
Winning prizes:
- Brand new scooter for the winning pupil (ages 5-7)
- Fantastic new bike for the winning pupil (ages 7-11)
- Explorer binoculars for your classmates (all ages)
- Outdoor play equipment for your school (all ages)
How to enter: Click here to email us your pupils’ design or photo along with the pupils’ name and age, as well as the name and postcode of your school.
Closing date: 18th June 2021
Full terms and conditions available here
Tell us what you think about this initiative.