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Junior Tax Facts (11-13) English Junior Tax Facts (11-13) Welsh Tax Facts (14-17) English Tax Facts (14-17) Welsh Quick Answers Sheet Quick Answers Sheet - WELSH
Tax Facts by HMRC
A free, ready-to-teach and fully resourced lesson that explores the basics about tax in a relevant and interactive way.
Designed by a team of educational experts, Tax Facts is a curriculum-linked set of free resources available to teachers to support young people as they plan for future life and work by building essential life skills.
This year, we are introducing a brand-new resource: the ‘Quick Answers’ sheet’ so you can feel fully equipped to answer the trickier student questions with a new confidence.
There are 2 sets of resources for different age groups:
- Junior Tax Facts – for children aged 8 to 13 – introduces the idea that as responsible citizens, we all make contributions towards the things that benefit everyone.
- Tax Facts – for students aged 14 to 17 – equips young adults with what they need to know about tax as they prepare for the world of work, the role their tax plays in the wider community, as well as who HMRC are and the different careers they offer.
Plus, you can request a visit from an HMRC employee to help deliver the lesson in class, making it an even more valuable learning experience for students – not to mention help achieve Gatsby Benchmarks!
Join the 1000+ schools already using Tax Facts in their classrooms!
What’s included?
Simply download everything you need to deliver a full lesson, saving you valuable time with no planning needed.
There is a full suite of free, curriculum-linked resources:
- NEW Quick Answers’ sheet
- Teacher Guide
- Classroom Presentation with built-in videos
- In-class Activity Sheet
- Follow-up Activity Sheet
All resources are available for download in both English and Welsh.
When can you use it?
Tax Facts resources can be used at any time throughout the academic year, with flexible use either as a single lesson or across tutor times.
The resources fit perfectly into key awareness dates across the year, including:
- Global Entrepreneurship Week (18th to 24th November)
- National Careers Week (3rd to 8th March)
- Global Money Week (17th to 23rd March)
- Financial Literacy Month (April)
- My Money Week (9th to 13th June)
Bonus: Tax Facts supports you in achieving Gatsby Benchmarks
Apply for a visit to your school from an HMRC employee.
They will attend your school to help you deliver Tax Facts as a 45-minute lesson, also giving your pupils the opportunity to ask any questions.
Alternatively, they could deliver to multiple classes by attending an Assembly – it’s up to you!
A school visit can also support you to achieve Gatsby Benchmarks.
If you wish to request a school visit, please email:
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Junior Tax Facts (11-13) English Junior Tax Facts (11-13) Welsh Tax Facts (14-17) English Tax Facts (14-17) Welsh Quick Answers Sheet Quick Answers Sheet - WELSHCareers
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