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Build the Change - Teacher Notes Build the Change - Session 1 Build the Change - Session 2 Build the Change - Challenge Cards Build the Change - Story Idea Cards Build the Change - Storyboard Activity Sheet Build the Change Competition Entry Leaflet Build the Change Parent Consent Form
Build the Change with the LEGO Group
Inspire 7-11-year-olds to Build the Change with a curriculum-linked education programme and fun competition that challenges pupils to improve their communities.
Linked to PSHE, Literacy and Art & Design (and nation equivalents), these free resources encourage pupils to think about the issues facing their communities and brainstorm solutions to make them more social and sustainable places to live.
In our exciting competition, your pupils can put their creativity to the test by creating a short film to tell the story of their big idea! You’ll receive film making guidance from Reggie Yates and the winning school will receive 10,000 LEGO bricks!
How does it work?
LEGO is all about creativity and learning through play, and the Community Challenge is a great way for pupils to flex their creative muscles and set their imaginations free. The fun activities and free teaching resources will inspire your pupils to Build the Change and help you:
- Ensure pupils understand the issues facing their community
- Help pupils evaluate and refine their ideas for change
- Ensure they can communicate this in an effective and creative way
- Tell the story of their change by making a short film as part of the fun competition
There are no right answers with Build the Change – pupils can solve their Community Challenge any way they choose. The more creative and imaginative, the better!
Resources to support learning include:
- 2 x Interactive in-class sessions
- 3 x Expert video tips from Reggie Yates
- Teacher notes
- Activity sheets
- Story idea cards
- Competition leaflet and entry form
Enter our competition for the chance to win an amazing 10,000 LEGO bricks for your school
After the classroom activities, pupils are asked to make a short film that allows them to tell the story of their big idea. They can use LEGO bricks or any other materials such as paper, glue, string or clay, to build their solution. Final entries can then be filmed, or animated and submitted online. Reggie Yates will also be on hand for guidance in 3 short videos to inspire and excite your pupils. Enter by 10th February. The winning school will win 10,000 LEGO bricks, with the runner up school receiving 3,000 bricks!
Register today and make change happen!
LEGO, the LEGO logo, the Minifigure, and the Brick and Knob configuration are trademarks and copyrights of the LEGO Group. ©2022 The LEGO Group. All rights reserved.
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Build the Change - Teacher Notes Build the Change - Session 1 Build the Change - Session 2 Build the Change - Challenge Cards Build the Change - Story Idea Cards Build the Change - Storyboard Activity Sheet Build the Change Competition Entry Leaflet Build the Change Parent Consent FormPSHE Science
Social Education
LEGO Build the Change Community Challenge
Win 10,000 LEGO bricks for your school!
How to Enter
- Once your pupils have created their films, you can submit them on your pupils’ behalf.
- Full instructions for entering the competition can be found on the competition leaflet.
- All details on the entry form must be completed and full terms & conditions can be found here.
The competition closes on 10 February 2023.
Tell us what you think about this initiative.