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Teacher Notes Lesson Plans PowerPoints Pupil Activities Poster Story Sandwich Log Book
My Lunch is Alive!
The fun and downloadable Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs ‘My Lunch is Alive’ resources were designed to help pupils’ creativity, story writing and character development skills.
Your Key Stage 2/P3-P6 pupils are encouraged to immerse themselves in an imagination-fuelled adventure with the characters from the film, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 including Flint Lockwood and his foodimal friends ranging from the Hippotatomus to Barry the strawberry. These resources include:
- Teacher notes
- 4 x fun and flexible creative writing lessons linked to the new film
- Supporting PowerPoints
- 4 x fun pupils activities
- 4 x home food activities including the creation of your very own foodimals
- Supporting story writing poster
- A Story Sandwich log book
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Teacher Notes Lesson Plans PowerPoints Pupil Activities Poster Story Sandwich Log BookLiteracy
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